Easter at Central


Psalm Sunday

April 13th
Join us for our Palm Sunday service as we begin Holy Week. The Sunday before Easter is the day we remember Jesus and his friends entering Jerusalem, with Jesus sitting on a donkey. The cry of today, which we shall repeat, is Hosanna, a word of praise which means “God, save us”! This jubilant service is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts as King and to be willing to follow him.

Good Friday

April 18th
Mourn with us on Good Friday with worship that invites Christians to reflect on the suffering Christ went through for our sake by sacrificing his life for our sins. Reflecting on how much Christ suffered to pay for our sins deepens the joy and gratitude we feel for the gift of new life with Christ that we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

Maundy Thursday

April 17th
There is room for you at the table on Maundy Thursday for a churchwide dinner as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus and the apostles. We will meet in our fellowship hall to share a simple meal and celebrate Communion.

Resurrection Sunday

April 20th
He is risen! Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with a churchwide breakfast at 8:30 am and an Easter celebration at 10 am.