is God calling you to be a pastor or elder?
Central Baptist is a sending church. We believe it is our duty and privilege to raise up pastors, elders, and ministry leaders to do the work of ministry here at Central and at other churches as well. But for this to be effective men must not only surrender to the call, the church must also train and equip shepherds to be effective in the work of the ministry. So, if God has given you a desire to be a pastor or elder, we would love to hear from you. Click the link below to contact us.
There will be an introduction meeting held on Sunday, October 23 at 3pm. This meeting will be an overview of the training and textbooks will be distributed. If you plan to partake in this training please make plans to be at this introduction meeting.
There will be an introduction meeting held on Sunday, October 23 at 3pm. This meeting will be an overview of the training and textbooks will be distributed. If you plan to partake in this training please make plans to be at this introduction meeting.